The Racial Literacy Project at Teachers College, Columbia University was established in 2016. The Project is an expansion of the successful Racial Literacy Roundtable Series (RLRs) that began in 2009.
The Racial Literacy Project and the Racial Literacy Roundtables (RLRs):
1. Attract well-known race scholars and activists;
2. Include youth-led discussions, facilitated by middle school, high school, and early-college
level students that feature discussions on race and racism; identity, and other social positions.
3. Involve facilitated discussions modeled after restorative healing circles whereby individuals come together (in a circle) to discuss hurtful race-based events that have happened during their lifetime,
and engage in a talk that offers healing from these hurtful events.

Racial Literacy Roundtables (RLRs)
Since 2009, the Racial Literacy Roundtable Series (RLRs) has been a space for students at TC, alumni, as well as youth, practicing teachers, social workers, counselors, psychologists, and other professionals in the Greater New York area to voice their concerns, share their research and experiences, and find constructive ways to improve their practice by challenging their notions about race.
RLRs seek to foster open dialogue about race, issues pertaining to race, language difference, and diversity. Conceptualized as a peer-to-peer forum, RLRs hope to bring together students and faculty across departments and within the Columbia University community to discuss these different topics and more.
Black, Asian, & Blasian Solidarity with Tony DelaRosa at Teachers College, Columbia University
This Racial Literacy Project event was a part of the "Teaching the Invisible Race" book tour. Tony DelaRosa speaks about the practices and reflections that help scholars & practitioners strengthen their cross-ethnoracial literacy development centering Black-Asian-Blasian solidarity.
Video Recorded by: • Bacilio Bencosme